Dear All,

This year the delivery of the annual flu vaccination programme is going to be different to previous years, to acknowledge the extra pressure of, and safety issues related to, COVID-19. Consider our usual format – up to 1081 of you in the premises in a 4 hour window – simply not safe this year. Please note – it’s not just us doing things differently, it’s the whole country.

This year, the Practice will only be inviting and vaccinating patients aged between 18-64 in an “At Risk Category” to our weekend clinics on Saturday 3rd October & Sunday 25th October, and early morning ‘mop up’ clinics in November. This will be by appointment rather than drop-in, and people with the following conditions and diseases are invited to contact us by telephone on 0141 451 0620 to make an appointment:

· asthma

· stroke

· multiple sclerosis

· bronchitis

· liver problems such as cirrhosis/hepatitis

· emphysema

· diabetes

· cystic fibrosis

· asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen

· chronic heart disease

· being very overweight

· chronic kidney disease

· HIV infection

· Undergoing Chemo

· Taking medication that reduces their immunity


All other patients are to be vaccinated by the HSCP (the organisation behind district nursing, social care etc). Please find below details of the arrangements, including numbers to phone to make enquiries or change/book appointments:


Aged 65 or Over (by 31 March 2021) Appointment Letter sent to Patient by the Health Board – these vaccinations will be carried out in the Health Centre by HSCP nursing staff. If you don’t receive a letter or you need to reschedule your appointment, then call 0800 707 6699 or email (see this post for details)

Aged 60-64 Drop in clinics run by HSCP – see this post for details.

Pregnant Women Contact Your Midwife for Details

Unpaid adult carers (aged 18-64)
• Adult aged 18-64, who live in the same house as someone who is shielding, and who are not in one of the other groups
• All social care workers providing direct personal care in:
o Adult Care Homes
o Children’s residential or secure care settings
o Care At Home settings including Personal Assistants and Housing Support
And who are not offered vaccination by their employer Participating Community Pharmacies – look up the list on choose a pharmacy and call to make an appointment. 

Healthcare Workers Speak to line manager for arrangements.

Child Flu Appointment Letter sent to Patient by the Health Board – these vaccinations will be carried out in the Health Centre by HSCP nursing staff. If you don’t receive a letter then call 0141 201 4190

Children aged 6 months to 2 years with an eligible pre-existing health condition –‘at risk’ Children in this group will be identified and the local Pre-School Immunisation Team, are currently appointing all identified children to routine clinics. Additional children can be added by, contacting the childhood flu line 0141 201 4190 or email

Children aged 2 to 5 (and not yet at school)* child must be aged 2 on 1st Sept 2020 All parents/carers of 2-5 year olds will receive a letter with an allocated appointment in the next 8-10 weeks. Parents / carers who need to rearrange their child’s appointment should call 0141 201 4190. or email

Children aged 5-12 and at primary school Flu immunisation sessions will be delivered in school from the beginning of October until mid-December. If your child misses their flu immunisation at school, a flyer will be sent home with information about to arrange an appointment for their immunisation.

12 to 17 years old and:

  • has an eligible health condition
  • is a young/unpaid carer
  • lives in a house with someone who is shielding
  • is home schooled

Opt-in service delivered by HSCP Routine childhood teams. Please email Or 0141 201 4190 to make an appointment

Aged 55-64 No appointments will be available until December

If you are not sure whether you fit a category, the NHS Inform website is very intuitive and can help you:

If you wish to download a PDF containing the above information to share with friends and relatives, click here. The telephone numbers are applicable to every patient in Greater Glasgow & Clyde.